Fire_Prop_&_Stylized_Flames is a very usefull package for inserting fire with medieval bases with easy and fast way. The prefabs are only in URP mode. Everything you see in the videos is in a pre-made format in the file. About Flames, the package has a shader and visual effect that is not easy to use, so we have 11 (eleven) ready-made stylized flames. Of course, you can change the colors, scales and rotations for quick customize. About Fire_Props, there are actually (5) five floor mounts, (2) two wall mounts with a torch, and (2) hanging mounts. Hanging mounts have (1) one chain to hang from the ceiling and (1) one base to hang from the wall. The prefabs are in URP mode and 2k & 4k resolution. Also in the package there are textures for HDRP mode but you have to use it manually and each prop has a file with basic textures (Metallic, Base Color, Normal Map and Normal Map OpenGL, Height, Ambient Occlusion and Mixed_AO, Roughtness) for any use.All textures are in 2k & 4k form.Every FBX has 3 files:Basic texturesMetallic_rawBase Color_sRGBNormal Map_raw and Normal Map OpenGL_rawHeight_rawAmbient Occlusion_raw and Mixed_AO_rawRoughtness_rawEmissive_sRGB (Only in FBX Woods_Ashes)2. URP texturesAlbedo Transparency_sRGBMetallicSmoothness_rawNormal_rawEmissive_sRGB (Only in FBX Woods_Ashes)3. HDRPBaseMap_sRGBMask_Map_rawNormal_rawEmissive_sRGB (Only in FBX Woods_Ashes)Number of textures: 185/2k and 185/4k = 370Texture dimensions: 2k and 4kUV mapping: Yes , everhing is unwrapped and ready to use for your own textures if needed.Types of materials and texture maps (e.g., PBR). URP, HDRP & PBRFBXs13 files:Bases_PropsFloor_Cell_Fire_PropFloor_Fire_PropFloor_Large_Fire_PropFloor_Regular_Fire_PropHanging_Chain_Fire_PropHanging_Cosmetic_Fire_PropMain_Fire_PropWall_Cosmetic_Fire_TorchWall_Regular_Fire_Torch2. Equipment_PropsChain_Roof_Hanging_Fire_PropHanging_Standler_Fire_PropTorchWoods_AshesPolygon count of [Model Name]:Count in TrianglesMain_Fire_Prop: 11,766Floor_Fire_Prop: 8,358Floor_Cell_Fire_Prop: 11,812Floor_Regular_Fire_Prop: 8,352Wall_Regular_fire_Torch: 11,368Floor_Large_Fire_Prop: 19,782Wall_Cosmetic_Fire_Torch: 22,032Hanging_Chain_Fire_Prop: 11,654Hanging_cosmetic_Fire_Prop: 21,720Hanging_Standler_Fire_Prop: 3,492Chain_Roof_Hanging_Fire_Prop: 1,728Torch: 404Wood_Ashes: 504Prefabs4 filesZero (0) Position, Scale and Rotation (Ready to use in your project)Fire_Props_&_Stylized_Flames2k_Prefabs_URP, fifteen (15) prefabs4k_Prefabs_URP, fifteen (15) prefabsFlames, eleven (11) prefabs-versions2. Example_Of_Use2k_Prefabs_URP, fifteen (15) prefabs4k_Prefabs_URP, fifteen (15) prefabsExample_Of_Use, sixteen (16) 2k prefabsFlamesVisual Effect AssetShader_Mask_VEGFlame_Mask, textureStylized_Fire, Shader, Shader GraphStylized_Fire.vfx, Visual Effect Asset with double partical system.Polygon count of:(Count in Triangles)Main_Fire_Prop: 11,766Floor_Fire_Prop: 8,358Floor_Cell_Fire_Prop: 11,812Floor_Regular_Fire_Prop: 8,352Wall_Regular_fire_Torch: 11,368Floor_Large_Fire_Prop: 19,782Wall_Cosmetic_Fire_Torch: 22,032Hanging_Chain_Fire_Prop: 11,654Hanging_cosmetic_Fire_Prop: 21,720Hanging_Standler_Fire_Prop: 3,492Chain_Roof_Hanging_Fire_Prop: 1,728Rigging: NoAnimation count: 0