*** Easy Mobile is a Unity-recommended tool for making mobile games
*** NEW! Now supports:
- Unity Ads v4!
- AdMob v6 with the new Rewarded Interstitial ad format!
Easy Mobile Pro is a many-in-one plugin that greatly simplifies the implementation of common-features-on-every-mobile-game such as advertising, in-app purchasing, game services, notifications, sharing, etc. Our vision is to create a standard package that is integrated in every Unity mobile game, taking care of all "necessary evils" so you can focus on doing the most important thing in game development: creating fun!
▪ Cross-platform: intuitive, cross-platform API that can accomplish most tasks with a single line of code.
▪ Friendly Editor: beautiful & easy-to-use editor for controlling everything from one place.
▪ Automation: automating chores such as service initialization and ad loading.
▪ Modular Design: use only what are needed and not be worried about redundancies or contradictions with existing code.
▪ Leveraging Official SDKs: to form a coherent system that maximizes usability and reliability - without reinventing the wheel!
Website | User Guide | API Reference | Video Tutorials | Support
Demo APK
This plugin is currently packed with the following modules:
▪ Advertising
- AdColony, AdMob, AppLovin MAX, Chartboost, Facebook Audience Network, Heyzap (Fyber), ironSource, MoPub, Tapjoy, Unity Ads & Vungle support.
- One unified API for all ad networks.
- Automatic ad loading.
- Banner, interstitial, rewarded ads - and the brand new rewarded interstitial format!
- Multiple ad placements.
- User consent support (GDPR compliant).
▪ Game Services
- Game Center (iOS) and Google Play Game Services (Android) support.
- Leaderboards & Achievements.
- Saved Games (using iCloud & Google Drive).
- Turn-Based Multiplayer (iOS only).
- Real-Time Multiplayer (iOS only).
- Reading GIF images with a fast and flexible native decoder.
- Low-overhead screen recorder.
- Built-in players for recorded clip playback.
- Mobile-friendly GIF encoder.
- Giphy upload API for sharing GIF to social networks.
-> Demo: Testing Clip
▪ In-App Purchasing
- Leverages Unity In-App Purchasing service.
- Multiple stores supported: App Store, Google Play, Amazon Apps, etc.
- Consumable, non-consumable & subscription products.
- Auto initialization.
- Custom editor for easy management of product catalog.
- Local receipt validation.
- Apple's Ask-To-Buy.
- Apple's Promotional Purchases.
▪ Native APIs
- UI: mobile native UI elements (alerts, toasts).
- Camera & Gallery API: taking photos, recording videos, picking images from the device gallery, etc.
- Contacts API: adding, picking, deleting contacts.
▪ Notifications
- Fully-customizable local notifications.
- Android 8.0 notification channels & channel groups support.
- Push notifications: OneSignal and Firebase Cloud Messaging support.
- User consent support (GDPR compliant).
▪ Privacy
- App Tracking Transparency on iOS 14 and newer.
- Tools and resources to help with getting GDPR-compliant.
- Native consent dialog that provides a common consent collecting interface for all relevant services.
- Built-in flexible consent management system.
- Location detector to check if the current device is in the European Economic Area region (affected by GDPR).
▪ Sharing
- Shares texts, URLs and images using the mobile native sharing functionality.
▪ Utilities
- Store Review: an effective way to ask for app rating using the native, standard review popups provided by iOS and Android.
◈ APIs:
- C# language.
- Visual Scripting (Playmaker support with over 100 actions).
- Easy Mobile supports two major mobile platforms: iOS and Android.
- Easy Mobile works with any Unity project targeting iOS and Android, not just SgLib Games' templates.
- Full C# source code is included.
- Refunds can only be granted if you haven't downloaded the asset.
Your rating, review and feedback are much appreciated!
Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
This asset uses:
- External Dependency Manager by Google under the Apache License.
- Moments recoder by Thomas Hourdel under Zlib License.
- Montserrat font under the Open Font License.
- Josefin Sans font under the Open Font License.
* See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.