When creating a game or an app for multiple platforms you may find yourself needing an efficient solution to save, load and edit the Scripting Define Symbols found under the Player Settings. This asset solves this issue by providing you with an easy to use and understand editor window.
Edit and switch different types of builds for the same platform with just a few clicks.
The need for custom define symbols presets and the option to edit them for multiple platforms at once, needed to be addressed, and we believe our asset will become a ‘must have’ in every project.
Unlike other solutions found on the Asset Store, Ez Define Symbols comes with a modern interface that has been carefully thought out to give you the best user experience possible when switching build types or when saving/loading symbol presets. This will be a huge time saver for you.
- Editor integration
- Easy to learn. Intuitive design
- Supports all platforms
- Comes with full C# source code
- Dedicated support
- Tutorials on our YouTube Channel
As game devs ourselves, we are dedicated to continually improving and expanding our assets, based on everyone's feedback, and also providing top-notch support.