Try this game on you phone!
Google play: Demo Version
Web: Demo Version
Now, in your hands our little buddy fate. Submerge oneself into beautiful voxel graphic game. Just try and you will have hours of fun playing. You will always find something new with more than 20 unique levels. 8 different maps with interactive objects perfectly blends into the gameplay. Where also you can find zombies, UFOs, explosing chickens, angels and even more.. in one place? That's why we created this game.. To get the best pleasure and enjoyment while playing single game!
► 8 different and unique maps!
► 6 beautiful skins!
► More than 20 unique levels!
► Easy to reskin
► Beautiful voxel graphics!
Documentation is available with the project for you to launch and reskin it!
All scripts is fully working and with no problem could be changed. You can change all skins using MagicaVoxel which you can download. Everything that we needed to create this game is in these files. It is easy to find out all game objects and textures. It's mainly created for android but it can easily recreated to iPhones, PC or web.
The project can be modified for any theme you prefer.You can modify this project as you want or use models, scripts, animations in other projects.
You CAN NOT resell or share these game files anywhere on the internet! All files is copyrighted and people who tries to sell or share it will be punished according to copyright laws.