Animations work in HDRPA huge compilation of Morro Motion's dance assets. The Dance MoCap Collection is a culmination of Morro Motion's original six high quality dance packs. From break dancing to stylish hip hop moves, this pack has all you need to make your characters jive all night long! This package contains a collection of 60 fbx motion capture animations for a bipedal humanoid character performing various dance moves. Now with added finger animations and looping!Compatible with Morro Motion's other packages and Unity's Mecanim, Dance MoCap Collection is the perfect choice for new or returning users who are looking for a huge selection of high quality dance moves.User's new to our assets need not worry as all of our animation packages contain our talented and beautiful MorroMan character. He, she, or it is ready to bend, twist, and move to display our animations for you.See these animations in action at: Dance MoCap Collection UpdateIf you have any questions or experience any problems (no way, not possible) please feel free to contact our support staff at: support@morromotion.com*all animations are clamped to optimal ranges. T-poses for re-targeting purposes can be found by un-clamping each animation.*all animations are made for the Unity Game Engine.60 High Quality Dance MoCap AnimationsFull Finger AnimationsLooping Animations60 & 30 FPS VersionsMorroMan_v07 Character RigURP Texture Sets 1k, 2k, 4k
Morro Motionのダンスアセットの最大のコンピレーション。 Dance MoCap Collectionは、Morro Motionのすべての高品質ダンスモーションキャプチャの集大成です。最高のダンスをお得な価格で、すべて1か所で!
このパッケージには、さまざまなダンスの動きを行う二足歩行のヒューマノイドキャラクターの60 fbxモーションキャプチャアニメーションのコレクションが含まれています。
Morro Motionの他のパッケージおよびUnityのMecanimと互換性のあるDance MoCap Collectionは、高品質のダンスムーブの膨大なセレクションを探している新規ユーザーまたはリピーターに最適です。