This asset contain full fisher AI method implemented. It is project ready for building (follow the manual to build the project). Perfect asset for demonstrating the way Fisher Method works.
Watch the movie to see how the builded project works and looks like.
Basically Fisher Method is about selecting most important attributes in loaded decision system. The decision system is an array with numbers, For example each column (except the last one) describes some parameter or action, the last column is a decision given for the actions/parameters described in each line of the array. Some parameters/actions are more important than the others and got higher influence on given decision. This program helps you to select the n numbers of most important parameters/actions of the loaded decision system.
This can be used for many purposes, starting from learning or school presentations, ending on simulated stock exchange.
For more information "how does the Fisher Method works" and what kind of calculations are made inside the script, please refer to this article