This asset makes it easy to add vector icons and social logos to your games and apps by giving you the tools to use a free pictographic font that can instantly be customized — size, color, transparency.
One Font, 675 Icons - in a single collection, Font Awesome is a pictographic language of web-related actions. The font is completely free for commercial use. Check out the license.
The editor extension ‘Font Awesome’ is a tool that helps you use the font ‘Font Awesome’ within Unity. Also, by using a font, instead of images, your game/app build will be smaller.
Easy to use, with an intuitive Inspector interface, you’ll be ready to go in just a few clicks.
Asset Version 1.1.0 | Font Version 4.7
Video Tutorials | Documentation | Forum | Support
- One Font, 675 Icons
- Infinite Scalability
- Perfect on Retina Displays
- Editor integration
- Easy to learn. Intuitive design
- Supports all platforms
- Mobile friendly
- Comes with full C# source code
- Dedicated support
- Video Tutorials on our YouTube Channel
Excellent performance for mobile games.
As game devs ourselves, we are dedicated to continually improving and expanding DoozyUI, based on everyone's feedback, and providing top-notch support.
--- Doozy Entertainment ---
DoozyUI: Complete UI Management System
Playmaker Actions for DOTween
UI Kit – Basic Design
Game Icons Pack - Basic Design
Game Icons Pack - Gold Edition
Game Icons Pack - Diamond Plate Edition
Game Icons Pack - Knitted Edition
Game Icons Pack - Wood Edition