A brick building with a comfy rooftop.◾ There are 27 objects(.fbx files) in this asset.◾ Textures are all 4k(4096x4096).◾ Every object's color is customizable.◾ Shader Graph is needed for some objects.* Tablecloth physics in demo video need "Dynamic Bone" asset to work. It's not included in this asset.* Demo video is all animated using Unity Timeline. It's not included in this asset.◾ There are 27 objects(.fbx files) in this asset: - Bagel (759 vertices, 1408 triangles) - BigWindow (84 vertices, 94 triangles) - Book (224 vertices, 262 triangles) - BrickBuilding (2983 vertices, 2840 triangles) - Chair (1376 vertices, 1992 triangles) - CoffeeCup (1576 vertices, 2456 triangles) - Cookie (565 vertices, 1062 triangles) - DeckChair (1921 vertices, 2300 triangles) - Door (2111 vertices, 2044 triangles) - Hedge (3976 vertices, 1988 triangles) - LittleTable (232 vertices, 188 triangles) - LongPlantPot (104 vertices, 116 triangles) - Pillow (858 vertices, 1544 triangles) - PlantPot (1008 vertices, 1304 triangles) - Plate (1410 vertices, 1920 triangles) - Plate_2 (450 vertices, 768 triangles) - PostBox (399 vertices, 487 triangles) - Railing (340 vertices, 210 triangles) - Rooftop_Hedge (59808 vertices, 29862 triangles) - RoundTable (4360 vertices, 7707 triangles) - SauceBowl (1610 vertices, 2650 triangles) - Stairs (538 vertices, 408 triangles) - TableKnife (302 vertices, 524 triangles) - Teacup (2105 vertices, 3160 triangles) - Telescope (3022 vertices, 4434 triangles) - WallLight (1772 vertices, 1984 triangles) - Window (3128 vertices, 2740 triangles)◾ Texture Set(URP/HDRP):▶ URP: - AlbedoTransparency (RGB channels for base color, A channel for Transparency) - MetallicSmoothness (RGB channels for metallic, A channel for smoothness) - Normal - AO - Emission (only wall light has this texture) - AlbedoMask (some objects have this texture to achieve color customization)▶ HDRP: - AlbedoTransparency (RGB channels for base color, A channel for Transparency) - Normal - MaskMap (R channel for Metallic, G channel for AO, A channel for Smoothness) - Emission (only wall light has this texture) - AlbedoMask (some objects have this texture to achieve color customization)◾ Texture Size: 4096x4096◾ Texture Format: .png◾ Objects that need Shader Graph: - Bagel - Book - BrickBuilding - CoffeeCup - Cookie - Pillow - Plate - PostBox - RoundTable - Stairs - Teacup - Telescope◾ For Built-In Users: Post Processing Profiles(PPv2) are included.◾ For URP Users: Please only import URP.unitypackage in URP folder.◾ For HDRP Users: Please only import HDRP.unitypackage in HDRP folder.