English Alphabet Tracer
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09/01(2022) |
5.0 |
11/16(2024) |
5.0 |
Jump AssetStore
Alphabet Tracker for 26 English letters. Both lower and upper case letters are included with 26 different example Unity scenesAlphabet Tracer includes both uppercase and lower case 26 English letters.Features:Easy to use :Just drag and drop the letters in your canvas and you are good to go! User friendly:Package created for kids to understand how to draw English alphabet letters easily.Line Prefab that is using to draw can be changed easily Drag & Drop mechanism for tracing Supports any tweening engine Tracing process is detected at each part of the letters. Full C# source code and example scenes for each letters included. Easily to change settings for other tracing applications.Long term support :Be sure that you'll get support for new unity versions and features.2020 supported Uses: Unity Line Renderer for drawing lines.Rigidbody2D's and Colliders such as capsule, polygon, circle and edge to control the movement of the start dot.Built in pipeline Compatible.