FG3D Customizer is a script that allows you to use on your skinned object the skinned mesh of another object that has the same skeleton. Eventually you can create a custom prefab.
What's new
• Added Rotate object in edit mode
• Added Set Render State
How to use?
Two primary buttons:
1 To start the instances
2 To get a Prefab
Remember: this is a method that uses shared meshes, like a animated human mesh and a piece of clothing that is rigged with the same bones. Basically the skinned-mesh object and your 3D character, must have the same skeleton.
If you want information on how to fit a skinned object such as cloth and hair, try reading FG3D Customizer Tutorial
What’s inside FG3D Customizer
• FG3D CustomizerEditor.dll
• FG3D Customizer.dll
• Genesis3 Male Demo character
• Genesis3 Male (cloth) Boxer Demo
• Genesis3 Male (cloth) TShirt Demo
• Genesis3 Male Hair Demo
• Easy Animations Demo
• Demo Scene
On my website, at "Free Download" page or "Store" page, you can find some free asset to be included in this package.
Warning! The 3d characters you see in the video are not included within this package.
Learn more at:
FG website