RsDb stands for "Really simple Database" : a complete and lightweight RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) designed for Unity 3D.
RsDb provides the functionalities of a classical RDBMS with SQL support with some particularities :
User : mono user - no identification nor authentification managment
Data : in memory database with file oriented storage for portability (1 local file = 1 database, offline)
Model : data is organized in tables (1 table = 1 collection of rows and columns)
Integrity : no duplicate rows in a table, type of a column is restricted, NULL is recognized, read-only mode
Constraints : not null, default value, identity, foreign key
Transactions : data modification can be committed or rolled back (if autocommit mode is off)
Information : content is described through system tables (all tables, all columns, all constraints)
SQL : data manipulation and query (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, SET, ALTER)
Instanciation : through a proxy class with synchronous / asynchronous executions
Studio : complete graphical client for an enhanced experience
No dependency : RsDb is 100% coded using C# and do not rely on any third party librairie
No DLL only CS files !
Works with Unity 5, 2017, 2018 (HRP and LRP compatible)