A reliable ads solution should be easy to understand and quick to integrate. Ez Ads helps you integrate and easily manage several ads platforms, by offering you an efficient integration all-in-one solution.
By having an automated initialization and management of the active ads platform, you can load, show and hide any type of ad simply by using either one line of code or UnityEvents (for a code free solution).
All the callbacks (eg. AdShowed, AdFailed, AdCanceled…) are available to you out of the box.
Currently supported Ads platforms are:
- Unity Ads SDK v2.0+
- HeyZap SDK v10+ for Unity
- Amazon Mobile Ads 1.0+ SDK for Unity
- UnityEvents for all the Callbacks
- Advanced Custom Inspector
- Editor integration
- Easy to learn. Intuitive design
- Supports all platforms
- Comes with full C# source code
- Dedicated support
- Tutorials on our YouTube Channel
As game devs ourselves, we are dedicated to continually improving and expanding our assets, based on everyone's feedback, and also providing top-notch support.