If you want to create WW1 themed flying game this might be what your`e looking for. This package includes Planes, Airships, hangars, bridge, houses, props, foliage and more
Included is an scene with flight controller setup, so you can test out the plane in action.
All the planes have properly setup control surface pivot points, so adding your own controller should be easy.
You also get an example map with terrain and two villages.
- 6 Planes (2 models, each with 3 2048*2048 texture sets)
- Airship (1 model, with allied and axis decals, main body is using 4k textures)
- Houses, Windill, props (All using 2048*2048 textures)
- Bridge, Hangar, (Using 2048*2048 texture set)
- Foliage and terrain textures
- Sample Scene