# About:
The Masked Vision asset is an camera image effect that applies layers of different combinations of textures to achieve a worn-out mask effect.
Don't feel forced to use if for a gas mask alone. It can be used for binoculars, weapon scopes, periscopes, riot shields, ...
The effect can also be used to add dirt and dust on you camera lens for a more realistic or cinematic look.
# The three main parts:
- Mask: The black outline, can be any texture, but nothing will be drawn over this layer.
- Wear: The visible field use, how much dirt, dust and permanent scratches are visible.
- Damage: The accumulated damage, this is controlled via a value. The higher the value, the more damage layers will be visible.
# Parameters:
- One mask layer
- Up to 3 wear layers
- Up to 5 damage layers
- One slider to control damage layers
Not all textures need an alpha channel, the alpha values can be obtained via the alpha channel, black values in a texture or white values in a texture.
(See documentation for more information)
# Please note:
The blood texture is not included in this asset package.
If you feel like you require more textures, visit www.textures.com.