Fruits, stands for display and cratesPack of fruits and props including fruits (apples, pearls, strawberries, oranges, various melon types, peaches, peppers, chilli, tomatoes, bananas, cucumbers and cherries), varios crate types (plastic and wooden) and 11 different display/stands.Oranges, chilli, tomato, cucumber, peaches, bananas and pepper comes with 2 different texture sets, peppers and melons with 3, pearls with 4 and apples with 5Wooden crates come with various different texture sets, plastic boxes with 3.Full crates have 2 materials for fruits and crate, so you can do multiple combinations to have many different ones.Each fruit type comes with 1 texture set (28 materials in total counting color variations), crates 19 sets total counting color variations, stands 1 set each.Each set comes with Albedo, Normal, AO, Roughness and Metalness. Easy to convert to URP or HDRP.Each full crate have around 30000/50000 verts, rest of objects between 500 and 2000Suitable for kitchens, decoration, supermarkets, street markets, shops, storages, etc...Scaled: YesCollision: Yes, mesh convexLODs: Yes, 4 Vertex Count: Each crate have around 30000/50000 verts, rest of objects between 500 and 2000Meshes: 340Materials: 55Textures: 171 (4096x4096 fruits, stands, plastic crates) (2048 wooden crates)