Fantasy Dragonguard CharacterThis package is designed for stylized / fantasy games.When purchasing a model, you can ask me to add additional animations at your request. This will be good practice for me!Pipeline: PBR (Spec+Gloss);Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096;Number of Textures: 16 (8x2 = Body + Sword):Diffuse, Diffuse+Gloss(Alpha), Normal, Emissive, Specular, Specular+Gloss(Alpha), Glossiness, AO.Texture extension: *.tif____________________________Triangle count of:Character - 36 268 Tris;Sword - 4 482 Tris.All meshes are triangulated.____________________________The model contains 6 animations:IDLE, WALK, RUN, INJURED, ATTACK, DEATH.