• 100 highly optimized building models (average model has 200-600 triangles)
• 7 interchangeable high quality materials (albedo, metalness, normal and emission textures - all in 4096x4096 resolution)
• emission textures created with randomized lighting patterns
• models suitable for shots ranging from medium to wide (20 meters to infinity) without the need for LOD system
• ready for both perspective and isometric cameras
• Oculus and GearVR ready (easy achievable 90fps)
• optimized for smooth running on mobile devices
• every structure accompanied by custom collider
• buildings sorted by height, grouped and distributed on 100m x 100m grid for easy of use
• buildings height ranging from 10 to 100 meters
• buildings footprint area ranging from 200 to 4500 square meters
• for basic navigation Flyby Camea script included
• create custom cityscapes in minutes instead of days - with hundreds of distinct buildings!
• hundreds of buildings running smoothly even on low-end hardware!