RCModelsSimKit (RCMSK) a set of scripts to create a simulation of radio-controlled model airplane. This kit allows you to quickly create and customize a realistic flight simulator. RCMSK ideal for creating games on aviation subjects. It is simple to use and does not require detailed settings.
Features of the package:
- Real, mathematical equations of motion of the aircraft;
- Realistic aerodynamics on all phases of flight;
- The ability to simulate almost any type of aircraft from gliders to sports;
- 3 models;
- The original menu;
- fast start;
Updates in version 1.1
- built-in autopilot;
- display panel;
- landing / navigation appliance;
- fuel level meter;
- rudder control;
Package includes scripts:
- RCModel control;
- Control and switch cameras;
- Control instrument readings;
- Gauges control;
- Menu and pause menu;
Requires Unity 5.5 or higher.
Video clip
WebGL demo