8 simple farm tools perfect for pimping out your farm environment or garden shack.
All models has 3 LODs and each model have 2 materials that are 1k and 2k resolution PBR metallic textures.
The the parenthesis incased numbers are the poly count of the different LODs.
Here are their polycounts:
Axe: (184, 87, 43 polys)
Hayfork: (648, 315, 146 polys)
Hoe: (177, 81, 43 polys)
Pickaxe: (228, 111, 51 polys)
Rake: (279, 126, 51 polys)
Shovel: (486, 233, 112 polys)
Sickle: (234, 114, 57 polys)
Spade: (520, 252, 125 polys)