TidyUp toolkit is Neat little tool!
to help you keep your Unity projects organised by throwing assets in their designated folders.
Whether you're a programmer, game designer, texture artist or 3D modeller,
TidyUp is a great toolkit help you to organise your creative house
with the growing of your project!
Key features:
- Initialize Project Folders
- Clean Up My Mess
- Create My Own Style
- Import/Export Setting
- Reset Setting
Who is this tool for?
Basically for anyone with a game idea but not the time,
Whether you urgently need to create a new Unity3D project or even you work on your existing project and things get messy but you don't want to spend a lot of time organising folder structure,
This project is hosted on GitHub,
where we would love to have your feedback through its Issue system.
Also, If you want to contribute to a project your help is very welcome.
Enjoy :)