UST Crafting SystemYOU WILL NEED UST Starter Template to use this asset. You can find it HEREFeel free to contact me on Discord- Features :- Showcase scene- Create crafting recipe base on scriptable object, easy to create.- Crafting recipe with infinte different ressources- Crafting timer- Infinite carfting recipes in crafting UI- Scroll zone will auto adjust base on number of crafting recipes in crafting UI- Add crafting recipe to you crafting UI with a simple drag and drop- Launch craft by craft button or clicking on item image- Items quantity needed and item quantity in inventory show in UI- Craft quantity drive by slider or input text- Slider timer during craft- Max craft button- Launching a craft during a crafting time will queue the craft- Crafting queue visible when in inventory- Scroll zone will auto adjust base on number of craft in crafting queue- Cancel any craft in queue and get resources back to inventory