A solid foundation for many commonly used systems like characters, items or persistence. Split into the AdventureCore framework and the AdventureHero/AdventureSouls demo projects.The AdventureCore framework, by nature, does not use any render pipeline. The demos however use URP. Most of it uses a single material called Hero/SoulsDefault which can easily by changed to Standard or HDRP/Lit(set BaseMap to SoulsPalette) depending on the desired pipeline.Demos | Manual | Forum | DiscordGetting Started | Visual ScriptingAction Adventures are a very wide, loose genre with all kinds of different games and sub genres. There are some things that many of them have in common though. Lots of them focus on characters that perform actions. These might have items that change hands and attributes that define their capabilities.AAK was made to provide a solid foundation for these common ideas within the genre so you can focus on what makes your game special.As AAK goes for a broad base of functionality rather than something more specialized it generally tries to do anything in the most default, unity-built-in way possible. For example the movement in the souls demo uses the default unity character controller and the intro is done using timeline. To accommodate for the fact that more special systems may be required for movement, inventory, actions, … AAK was made from the ground up with extendability in mind.The AdventureSouls demo project uses URP and various other parts of the modern unity ecosystem like the New Input System, Cinemachine and ProBuilder.The AdventureHero demo project does all of the above and adds a focus on Visual Scripting. More complicated systems and actions are still done in code but wherever applicable Visual Scripting has been used allowing rapid iteration. This includes enemy behaviour, simple character actions, scene transitions, loot selection, idle animations and much more.AdventureCore FrameworkCharacter (Player, Enemies, …)act as the central component that brings together all the other systemsActions (Object interaction, Attacks, Cutscenes, …)anything a character can do that might occupy it for a whileItems (Keys, Armor, Potions, …)objects that are put into an inventory and may be equipped or usedAttributes (Vitality, Strength, …)values that define a characters capabilitiesResources (Health, Endurance, …)values that may be used up by an action or damaged somehowEffects (Poisoned, Slowed, …)additional behaviors that can be added to charactersMovement (CharacterController, NavMesh)responsible for moving the character around the worldPersistencesaves the state of characters, environment, save games, settings, …Damage (Physical, …)damage events created from triggers or actions are passed from senders to receiversAdventureHero DemoPlayer CharacterLock-On and First Person ViewClimbing, Block PushingJumping, Rolling, BackflipsPresenting new ItemsVarious Idle AnimationsItemsSword and Shield GearBomb, Nut and Sling EquipmentHealth Upgrades(Heart Shard/Essence)Storage Upgrades(PebblePouch, NutBag)Money in different denominationsKeysLevelsBeach, Inland, Canyon, TempleTree Trunk Scene TransitionsUnlocking Dorrs with Keys or shootable TargetsDestructible Walls, Vines, Pots, BushesBoulder TrapAdventureSouls DemoPlayer Characterweapons with unique actions per item and equipped slot(left, right)parry, guard break, stagger behaviorreusable humanoid animationsEnemiespassive or aggressive zombie enemiesboss with arena and attacks based on player positionSouls mechanicslevel up at bonfires but partially reset worlddeath drops XP and resets player to bonfireObjectsdoors, chests, leversdestructible crates and dummiestraps that shoot spikesIntegrationsSceneConnectorInkKinematicCharacterController