Python Cooperation/Mind Render AI Drill
Mobile Internet Technology Co., LTD.
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"Introduction" describes basic instructions as to what you need using Mind Render/AI Drill and how to set up the learning environment. Please read this part first.
[Table of Contents]
Chapter1 Preparation
Install Unity Hub
Install Unity
Sign in to Unity
Add a project
Install Visual Studio Code
Edit the program
Chapter2 Configure the learning environment
Unity Screen Layout
Configure the settings for self-driving cars
Open the scene from the Project
Set Agent in the Inspector
Set Sensor in the Inspector
Set QEnvironment in the Inspector (Q-learning)
Set NEEnvironment in the Inspector (Neuroevolution)
Train the Agent (Q-learning, Neuroevolution)
Display the learning status(Q-learning, Neuroevolution
Save Learning Results
Run Learning Results
"Python Cooperation" describes an example of writing the machine learning part for a self-driving program in Python. Chapter1 to 3 are the same as "Self Driving/Mind Render AI Drill".
[Table of Contents]
Chapter1 Self-Driving Car
Overview of the Unity Scene
Overview of the Program
Code of Self-Driving Cars
Observation of the Environment
Optional Exercises
Chapter2 Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning: A Definition
Code of Q-learning
Implementation of Q-learning
Optional Exercises
Function Approximation, Deep Reinforcement Learning
Chapter3 Neuroevolution
Artificial Neural Networks
Sigmoid Neuron
Multilayer Perceptron
Code of the Neural Network
Evolutionary Algorithms
Genetic Operators
Code of the Evolutionary Algorithm
Training Results
Optional Exercises
Chapter4 Unity-Python Cooperation
How to use the Program
Program Files
Control Flow of Unity-Python Cooperation
Start-Up Part
Action Part
Learning Part
Communication Method between Unity and Python
Optional Exercises