Trying to find that perfect mini-monster vocal? We got your back. This set will provide you with a wide range of content and flexibility.
Quickly grab this package for fast high quality integration.
Stop struggling to get that great mini-monster vocal and grab this package for fast high quality integration. By popular demand we have released a volume 2 of the mini-monster vocal set. This offer won’t last forever. A thousand sales can’t be wrong and when we hit it we will change the price.
If you have gremlins, goblins, evil elfs, or just any kind of small monster, this vocal set is for you. There are 118 sounds in this package which should get you up and running quickly. As we know variation is important for audio in games and with 118 sounds this set should provide you with enough variation for all your critical character states.
Each vocal sound in this package has been carefully selected to provide you with vocals for the typical actions required in most games. In this package, you will get: giggles, Singing, Sheep sounds, Buzzing, Coughing, Cute emotions, Hissy Taunts, monkey sounds, roars & attacks, Robotics sounds, Snorts, and general banter. Combine this set with the Mini-Monster Volume 1 set and you are sure to deliver a crowd pleaser.
Created by an industry veteran of more than 20 years in the game industry and hundreds of shipped games, this package will get that personality into your title that you’ve been looking for. After integrating to your project your little creature will provide you with lots of audible flavor and style.
All sounds are non-union and royalty free.
There are 118 sounds in this package. All sounds are 48kHz 24bit PCM wav. I have also included 48kHz 16bit PCM and compressed OGG versions as well.
118 sounds
• Baa Vocals (8 versions)
• Bzzz (4 versions)
• Cough (9 versions)
• Cute (19 versions)
• Giggle (2 versions)
• Monkey (19 versions)
• Hiss and mouthy (5 versions)
• Raspberry (2 versions)
• Roars and attacks (20 versions)
• Robotic (9 versions)
• Singing (10 versions)
• Snort (8 versions)
• Verbal (3 versions)
If possible please provide credits to
"Thunder Pop Productions, LLC" should this ship in a retail product. Your karma will help your project be a success.
If you have requests for more or different sounds please email: requests@thunderpopproductions.com