Flat Land is a fast and robust flattened terrain solution with voxel terrain engine.
You can easily modify the terrain in real time with a huge field of view.
√ Advanced Vegetation Placement
√ Fast Multithreading Structure
√ Ultra Large Terrains
√ Real Time surface manipulation.√ Memory Friendly Design and Low Memory FootPrint (In a quite standard Terrain =~140MB )
√ Mobile Friendly, Tested on IOS (IPhone 4S & + ) and Android Devices(Galaxy S5 & +)
√Flatten Shader is included
√ Very Detailed Biome and Prefab based pooling.
√Advanced Biome Algorithms ,
Even Letting to Define Dominant Prefab.
√ Integrated Flatten System for Prefabs
√Highly Customizable 6 different Procedural Geography Generation Modules.
√2 Entirely Different Rendering Modes.
Click To Find Out More About Rendering modes.
Does not require Unity PRO.
100% compatible with Unity 5.