This is a very creative puzzle game with various of interesting gameplay.You could create your own level with the level editor inside easily.
With the complete mobile friendly project,you can reskin and upload to appstore or googleplay store directly.
Basic rules:
The door with the same color can transport you to each other and will rotate the world on your ground.Try to find the exit door and not be caught by the enemy or die in the trap.
-mobile(android/ios) ready.
-all source code included.
-24 classic levels ready.
-Full menu system
-Ads ready
-Unity UI
-Detail Docs Included
-Very convient level editor
APK Demo
WebGL Demo
More Games
Video Tutorials:
how to draw a tile-based map
how to walk on a 90-degreed wall
Draw a patterned background
Keys and locked door
Breakable boxes
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