Camp. Cool Assets, Moderate Prize. 60 Low Poly style camping models
Quantum Gaming
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60 Low Poly style camp models, including a tent, campfire, stones, sleeping bag, tree trunks, and many toolsOur camp package includes 60 LowPoly style models to set up your personal camp. It has objects of different genres for a greater variety - from a magic rune stone to a small electric radio. The usual objects such as a tent, campfire or sleeping bag are of course not missing. In addition, you can convert your camp into a small fortress with the modular tree trunks. It also includes an effect for fire and fireflies.See technical details for a complete list of assets and their polygon count!Here is a complete list of the assets including their polygon count:Total: 16930 PolygonsAxe 145Bench Round 86Bench Straigth 86Book1 74Book2 160CookingSpoon 56Bag 420Firecracker 120Guitar 805GunpowderBarrel 1880Hammer 323KettleStand 231MarshmallowStick 50Matchstick 89Matchbox 1044OldRadio 1081QuarryMain 782QuarryRunestone 152RailStopper 112RetroTelescope 1289Ruinstone 397Scaffold 186Backpack 130Screw 514Scroll 202SoupSpoon 229Tent 340Torch 253Campfire 403Minecart1 437Minecart2 (round) 461MineLantern 165MineRail 198Pickaxe 90Rock 1 95Rock 2 307Rock 3 112Rock 4 127Rock 5 132Rock 6 116Rock 7 99Fountain 418Crystal Lamp 127Crystal Ore 287Column 112Chest 67WoodGate 78MetalGate 222Tree 1 88Tree 2 88Tree Half 88Tree Normal 92Tree Wall 352Sleeping Bag 234Simple Chair 92Arrow 39Bow 41Quiver 84Target 127TeaPot 316