Danger Camera is a robust and highly customizable RTS-style camera. It is exceptionally flexible, easy to use, and above all dangerous. You do not need any programming skills to use it! Simply add the component to an existing camera. If you are a programmer, DangerCamera has excellent documentation and can easily be extended.
DangerCamera was used to make No Pineapple Left Behind
Documentation here
There are also 2 example scenes to help you get started.
- Pan with WASD or with the mouse
- Clamped rotational elevation. Your camera will never clip under the terrain.
- Zoom in/out at a rate based on distance. If the camera is far away from something, you can set it to zoom in/out faster.
- Frame multiple objects in the viewport. The camera will move and rotate in order to bring all of the targets into view.
- Snap the camera to center on a target position
- Track a moving object
Created by:
Seth Alter subalterngames@gmail.com
Danger Donaghey