Purpose : superfast army crowd generator with random natural movements. Add to your scene up to 1500 soldiers without slowing your framerate !
Your level looks a bit empty ? You would like to add some extras, or really massive crowds ?
This package is made for you. Populate your scenes with groups of soldiers for action and wargames.
NEW in version 1.1 !
Each soldier has a powerful LOD system for better rendering optimization : low poly level with shadows (about 2000 polygons), ultra-low poly (about 1000 polys), and 2D level, with an animated sprite. You can change or add idles animations easily.
NEW in version 1.1 !
The CROWD GENERATOR script produces quickly and easily any kind of group :
-ordered squads of soldiers
-chaotic realistic audiences with random distribution and rotation of characters in an array.
Content :
-5 fbx soldier models, with 2 levels of geometry (ultra low 1000-1500 tris, and low 2000 to 2600 tris), 2048*2048 albedo and normal map textures.
-characters prefabs with four levels LOD system and Sprite renderer (faster, but far characters can look flat)
-characters prefabs with four levels LOD system and Billboard particle renderer (slower, but characters are always facing camera).
-32 different idle animations
-script for randomly assign and de-synchronise those animations, for a a better natural looking crowd effect.