Collection of 114 wooden props for decorative purposes.Collection of 114 prefabs.Over 300 models in total with all LOD stages. Every prefab has 3 LOD stages. One material is used for ALL prefabs.This Construction Kit is ideal to decorate your scenes with different kind of wood props. We included the following types of wood props:planks longplanks shortplanks wideall these in regular and deformed shapebars longbars thinbars thickbars decorativeall these in regular and deformed shapecolumns thickcolumns thincolumns shortcolumns with peakcolumns decorativeall these in regular and deformed shape14 complex prefabs made from these elements like shacks and barns, watchtowerEvery type of plank or bar has 4 different texture versions and from those 4 we made another 4 irregular shaped versions. With 8 versions in total you have a lot of variations without repetitions.ALL prefabs are unwrapped to just one 4K texture.PBR material with albedo, metalic, normal, oclusion and height maps.If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via email or Discord:Contact email: info@dexsoft-games.comJoin DISCORD SERVERLOD examples:Bars: LOD0 - 50 polygons, LOD1 - 18 polygons, LOD0 - 6 polygonsPlanks: LOD0 - 50 polygons, LOD1 - 18 polygons, LOD0 - 6 polygons Columns: LOD0 - 160 polygons, LOD1 - 80 polygons, LOD0 - 11 polygons