Updated to run in Unity 6.0 with the Built-In URP. Other Pipelines can be used.Updated Package to run with HDRP out of the box.Updated to latest editor version.Alien Fauna 01Now has Unity 6.0 VersionThis first release pack consists of:-* 3x Alien Spirals @ 2.6k tris each* 1x Alien Trumpet @ 33k tris* 1x Cone Whirl @9.2k tris* 3x Crystal Blooms @ 644 tris each* 3x Crystal Blooms with Tendril roots @ 7.3k tris each* 2x Ground Cumbers 4.7k tris each* 2x Ground Cumbers leaves @ 36.9k tris each* 1x Hanging (or upright) Lumi Globe @ 11.8k tris* 1x Razer Leaf Clump @ 22.5k tris* 1x Thorny Cup @ 23.8k tris* 2x Pustule Roots @ 12.1k tris each* 2x Ear Corals @ 12.2k tris each* 1x Stone Muscle Clam @ 30.7k tris* 28x URP Materials, default Emissions set (see screenshot of how to reduce/remove the Emissions)* 40 Textures ranging from 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, Normal maps are in the configuration of the Unity EngineYou can change the materials to other pipelines. If you remake the Materials for a different pipeline, you will have to add the textures to the correct locations. If you use the internal conversion function, it may keep the settings but again you may have to add the textures to the correct locations.All meshes are FBX format and Textures are all PNG so are backwardly compatible with other Editor versions.This pack runs out of the box with a URP installed.If you are having any issues with this pack, please use this forum for advice and fixes. https://forum.unity.com/threads/everything-ivy-scene-plants-decoration.852436/page-2#post-7792896Please consider giving a review after resolving any issues you may have experienced that reflect the product and the service.Please see https://forum.unity.com/threads/everything-ivy-scene-plants-decoration.852436/page-3 for details on HDRP and other pipelines.