Real Footsteps - 1280 SFXThis sound library includes steps on various surfaces. Sounds are natural; all steps are recorded in real conditions on real surfaces. They were then processed and selected to suit different styles.Also in the library there are sounds "go through the bushes", "go through the branches."Listen to sounds - here.Sounds from the latest update.Dirt - 40Dirt 2-40Concrete - 40Grass - 40Dry grass - 40Very dry grass - 40Dry leaves - 25Gravel - 40Laminate - 40Metal - 40Metal 2-40Dirt - 80Sand - 55Sand 2-40Wet mud - 40Wood - 40Wood 2-40Carpet - 40Snow - 140Water - 25Deep Water - 30Shallow Water (Puddle) - 26Bush - 22Branches - 22Jump -170Sound Waves: 1280Sampling rate: 44100 HzBit depth: 16 bitsMake a loop of sound effects: BushMonoLoop, BushLoop, BranchesMonoLoop, BranchesLoop