Time Service offers you a rock solid online-local time service that will satisfy your needs for any successful game that needs countdowns!
All you need is to drag drop Time Service prefab and the api will answer all your need with very easy to use one-line methods.
Plugin works without online connection but for it to be unhackable, it has to have onlne connection once in every game start or resume/focus.
What Time Service offers:
-Unix timestamp.
-Time with localized day/hour.
-One line setup of countdown for MMO type games.
-Set any number of countdowns, request them from system and delete them easily.
-Completely multiplatform.
-Works from Unity 4.6 to latest version.
-No performance need.
-No data need, only has to get time once in each game start-resume/focus.
-Sample scene that has every example that you can need of.
You can reach me via playmobcontact@gmail.com for any questions, problems, support.
Documentation link :