The package provides full input support for Apple TV Siri Remote 1st and 2nd generation including new clickpad D-pad buttons. This supports both Input System Package (New) and Input Manager (Old).The package works just after installation without any extra setup. You are required to setup all your input properly though. Siri Remote 2nd generation clickpad supported.Input System Package (New)You can process Siri Remote as a generic Gamepad using Input System Package (New). If you need to separate Siri Remote to its own scheme you can always process it as more specific Apple Micro Gamepad.Input Manager (Old)By default axes and buttons are mapped as in Unity excepting Menu which is mapped to joystick button 16. As an option you can remap physical elements to another axes and buttons.Demo versionThere is a demo version on GitHub. Please note that touchpad and clickpad work only for 10 minutes in demo version.The package contains native plugins for tvOS, iOS and macOS to wrap GCMicroGamepad class and pass its input to Unity.Touchpad and clickpad can be set to send as Stick as D-Pad input separately or simultaneously.Info.plist is patched during build to setup Siri Remote 2nd generation properly.Native binaries shipped with the package are built without BITCODE. That was made because it is deprecated. See Xcode 14 Release Notes for more details.