This package represents nine polygonal hairstyle models.
Note: All cloth physics settings that were in a previous versions of this package were removed because of low performance of cloth physics in a new versions of unity.
You may use this package content as a ready character hairstyles. If you want to integrate it with your character you should skinn hairstyle model you like with your character in some 3D package. All hairstyle meshes consists of hair strips. All hairstyle models are NOT rigged.
This package includes nine different hairstyle models, that uses color, transparent (alpha) specular and normal maps for realistic purpose. All of them have definition 1024x1024.
This package also includes 51 different hairstyle colors (blonde, brown, kashtan, black, grey and other mixed colors) that are connected with more than 150 different materials. Each color has three materials with different shader settings, that allows to view hairstyle models much more realistic. You may change hairstyle materials between hairstyle models as you wish.
Hairstyle01 - Verts:41550 Polygons:20336;
Hairstyle02 - Verts:37584 Polygons:17894;
Hairstyle03 - Verts:28334 Polygons:13710;
Hairstyle04 - Verts:40564 Polygons:19779;
Hairstyle05 - Verts:39316 Polygons:18884;
Hairstyle06 - Verts:38520 Polygons:18839;
Hairstyle07 - Verts:33818 Polygons:16077;
Hairstyle08 - Verts:38984 Polygons:18812;
Hairstyle09 - Verts:41486 Polygons:19934.