⭐️ This add-on provides the ability to drive cars with others.This add-on works both with this asset and its advanced edition.🏎 One of the most fun activities in online multiplayer games is to drive cars with your friends or random players, and this add-on gives you that same ability.🔧 With details like wheel and smoke trails, car sounds, brake lights and each wheel's spin being synchronised, this add-on provides an immersive multiplayer driving experience.❓Not sure if this asset is for you? Check out the demo! Note: This demo consists of The Online Multiplayer Template & This Add-on. However, it has no voice chat as WebGL doesn't support Photon Voice.This add-on is compatible with this asset and its advanced version.If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on the Discord Server.FeaturesCar movement synchronisedNametags on each car of their corresponding driversSpeedometer (MPH or KPH)Brake lights syncedCar sounds syncedWheel and smoke trails syncedWheel's rotation syncedEnter and exit synced system for characters