it is stylized assets and some props for the environmentnumber of unique assets : 20 assestsaverage polycount : wall : 328 trislamp : 1328 trisarch_low : 1376 trisgrass : 402 trisleaf :144 trisfloor : 144 to 296 tristexture dimensions : 2048texture maps :aldobe - ao -normalmap- roughness- metallicNumber of textures : 20Texture dimensions : 2048Polygon count of [Model Name]wall : 328 trislamp : 1328 trisarch_low : 1376 trisgrass : 402 trisleaf :144 trisfloor : 144 to 296 trisMinimum polygon count : 144Maximum polygon count : 1376Number of meshes/prefabs : 20Rigging: Yes/No noAnimation countAnimation type listUV mapping: Yes/No yesLOD information (count, number of levels)Types of materials and texture maps (e.g., PBR) pbr