121 loops, tracks and ambiances designed for a heavy metal space shooter! This pack contains tracks for all phases of your game, like story, battle, boss, ambiance, Main Menu and End Credits.Thrust into hyperspace! Deploy your arsenal! Launch plasma and defy a menacing army of an alien race that you've never heard of before! or just stop to enjoy the view of what's left of the galaxy with these tracks designed for a heavy metal space shooter!Features:121 total loops and tracks from which there are 46 unique soundtracks (different names of tracks, ambiances and loops that have edited versions of the same name to fit different parts of a battle):Story and Battle LoopsBoss LoopsPowerupsMenu and Transition LoopsAmbientSample rate / bit rate: 44,100 Hz, 16-bit WavsLoopable: YesMinutes of audio provided: 36:55Additional: Stereo