Game show platformer traps and obstacles - let your imagination go free with this modular pack - a 3d asset package that will allow you to do a cartoon battle royale very easily.It makes use of ShadergraphGame show traps and obstacles - let your imagination go free with this modular pack. Make use of our fantastic shaders:Triplanar Grid and patternAnimated Cloud tesselation shaderAnimated Portal shaderDifferent grid texturesScroll surface ShaderJelly ShaderA modular environment inspired by Fall Guys.+200 models of walls, platforms, traps, obstacles, decorations. modular buidling features, trees, buttons, cameras, keys, lockers, entrances, portals, etc...+30 materials, Atlas mapped models for optimization purposes.+30 textures+6 custom shaders 2k sized texturesConvex mesh colliders applied to models.PBR kind of materials