Real Voices is a library of various voice samples.
850 samples. Combine them. Give your game character a voice or NPC voice.This pack is suitable for almost any genre, except for cartoon voices.With Real Voices, your characters and NPCs will scream on attack, heavy attack, damage, and critical hit. They will drown, suffocate, burn. They will cough from the poisonous gas. Run and catch your breath. Jump, land, climb. Real voices in a professional studio were voiced by 3 actors and 3 actresses of different ages. 6 characters at your disposal.Attack - 84Empowered Attack - 77Damage - 75Critical Damage - 77Sprint - 30Dyspnea - 31Jump Up - 60Jump Down - 65Climb Up - 59Suffocate - 116To Burn - 57Choke - 57Death - 62Sampling rate: 44100 HzBit depth: 16 bits