Integrates Melee module with PhotonThis module allows to easily convert your single player melee game into a online multiplayer game with the power of Photon Unity Networking 2.NOTICE:Photon Melee is an extension for Game Creator and won't work without it.This module also requires to have the Photon Module and Melee modules installed.🔸 KEY FEATURES 🔸Complete Character Melee synchronization with a single click.Full control of Weapons, Shields and Clips available in your game with a simple registration setup.Compatible with all GC modules.Detailed documentation.🔸 OTHER MODULES 🔸Photon ShooterState MachinePhoton TraversalFusion Module (coming soon)These modules have been carefully crafted so they seamlessly integrate with your game using Game Creator's Module Manager.🔸 LINKS 🔸DiscordDemoDocumentation🔸 INCLUDED 🔸Full Source CodeExample scene using all built-in featuresCheck out the documentation for a full step by step guide: Documentation.It's Plug & Play. No configuration is needed and works for Unity Personal, Plusand PRO.Complete Character Melee synchronization with a single click.Full control of Weapons, Shields and Clips available in your game with a simple registration setup.Compatible with all GC modules.Detailed documentation.