New simple video walkthrough
Supports the HTC Vive and Oculus with SteamVR
Supports arc and straight line system
Visible in-game NavMesh
Easy style customization
No coding required
Doesn't cause nausea like some other VR movements
Supports camera rig rotation
Easy Bake option for defining teleportable areas
The Easy VR Teleporter is the simplest VR teleportation system you will find. This requires minutes of setup and all customization requires no coding.
I was inspired to make this smooth teleportation system after experiencing too many VR Locomotion systems that caused nausea or just felt clunky.
Although no coding is required, anything can easily be overwritten to meet your style and needs.
IMPORTANT READ BEFORE BUYING: I do not have a Vive or Oculus anymore so this asset has not been updated since March. This has not been tested with the newest versions of SteamVR
In the intructional video, there is a prefab that people are saying is missing from the asset, but this prefab is merely an empty Game Object that contains every prefab in the asset (because i prefer the organization. You can do whatever)
I'm here for you all so please email me feedback. I will respond as quickly as possible :) My email
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