Footsteps sounds pack 3 contains over 250 different types of sounds created to suit various characters from humans, animals, to robots, mechs and cartoony entities. Most of the sounds comes in two variations ('a' and 'b') to be played interchangeably e.g for the left and right foot.
Varying pitch and other parameters can be applied to get more interesting results. Blending two or more different types of sounds can give even more variation - if the game needs it. The library is dedicated for sound prototyping and final builds - it depends of game aesthetics.
In package you find following folders:
* 1big_stomps - 18 types
* 2medium_steps - 23 types
* 3small_steps - 26 types
* alien - 9 types
* arcade-8bitish - 60 types (30 singles)
* comic_toys - 29 types (6 singles)
* insectoid - 15 types (1 single)
* metal - 13 types
* raspy_noises - 27 types
* robots_mechs 33 types (1 single)
Additional details:
* total: 260 footstep types in 481 wav files
* total size: 20MB
* file format: 44kHz/16 bit/mono .wav
* balanced loudness, equalized, cleaned up, and ready to use in games
Update v1.1 contains additional folder with 150% speed versions of all the sounds which doubles files count and increases size of package to 32MB.