SWLocalization - Powerful Localizaiton System Supports Excel
Snowwolf Studio
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SWLocalization is a powerful localization system for Unity. It supports working with Excel file, using ISO-639 and ISO-3166 to represents culture(language). It support Text or Non-Text resources.IntroductionWLocalization is a localization system designed specifically for Unity. The system has the following features and functions:The main module is written in pure C# code and supports all platforms supported by Unity. Editor supports Windows and macOS.Language definition supports natural language culture and country/region specific culture. Combine the universal ISO-639 language code and ISO-3166 country/region code to represent the language, such as es, en, en-US, zh-CN, etc.The system supports a fallback search function for language resources. For example, if en-US cannot find supported resources, it will get the resources of its parent node en.The unified planning of localized resources storage and loading methods can easily support the localization for all types of Assets. SWLocalization and SWLocalizationSamples implement loading methods of localized text resources and Prefab resources respectively, for reference.The system supports the localization of text components by default, and can support the localization of UGUI Text component and TextMeshPro components.The language preference is set as a list, and localized resources can be loaded in the order of the preference list, which is more suitable for the current operating system and user needs. You can get the language preference list of Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android systems and set it as the default preference language list, or you can switch the preferred languages at runtime and refresh it in real time.Support the import and loading of multi-file text resources. For example, you can load the FirstpassStrings file from Resources to use it in the first scene, and then load another Strings file from AssetBundle to use it at runtime.Support overwrite resource loading method. Load from Resrouces by default, You can easily implement your own loading method through Interface overriding or Event monitoring. For example, loading from AssetBundle or Addressable, etc. The SWLocalizationSamples implement the method loading from AssetBundle for reference.More complete editor function. Supports importing text files from Excel. In addition, it also supports functions such as search and comparison of strings, localization settings, etc.Seamlessly integrate with System.Globalization.CultureInfo to use the corresponding string localization functions, such as number format, currency, time/date, etc.Support changing the Development Language(language of unlocalized resources).ContactIf you have any question or suggestion, feel free to contact me.Supported OSUnity Editor for macOSUnity Editor for WindowsAll platforms that Unity supportedUnity RequirementsUnity 2018.4 or higher.NET 4.x or .NET Standard 2.0DocumentationThere is a built-in documentation inside the project.Plugins LisencesEPPlus under lgpl-3.0.