This is a 3D asset that imagines a local city around the 1980s in Japan.This is a 3D model set that imagines the streets of Japan in the 1980s.vol1 is a stage model set consisting of private houses, multi-tenant buildings, town factories, small warehouses, irrigation canals, utility poles, and signboards.It is designed to have both good looks and performance, assuming use from desktop to mobile.The shape of the site of Shouwa Town Model Set v2 is compatible with the standard of the town-generated asset Fantastic City Generator.By registering the model set of the building and site of the sample scene in the FCG folder as a prefab, you can automatically generate the streets of Japan.Even if you don't have FCG, you can manually rearrange the sites and create your favorite townscape.WebGLdemoBLDGsize 79 Triangles 20-12000 average 1400BLDGPartssize 57 Triangles 40-900 average 450Elepolesize 46 Triangles 120-6700 average 830Foundationsize 109 Triangles 300-1200 average 100Gardensize 75 Triangles 100-390 average 200HousePartssize 97 Triangles 50-1200 average 300Propsize 19 Triangles 190-6500 average 1200Roadsize 11 Triangles 690-720 average 710Signboardsize 62 Triangles 20-12000 average 100Texture size2048x2048 34, 1024x1024 50, Less than 39Skybox1024x1024 Cubemap size 3