Modular pixel art characters, with a wide variety of objects and hundreds of combinations to create different characters that you can use in all kinds of games, action, rpg, strategy, ...4 races, humans, orcs, goblins and elves.Each race with 40 different heads, 7 skin tones for humans, 7 skin tones for elves, 4 different skin tones for orcs and goblins.30 hairstyles and 29 facial hair in 7 different colors.230 weapons including swords, hammers, maces, flails, spears, polearms, daggers, axes, bows, crossbows, slings, shields, staffs, wands and firearms.With throwing and ranged weapon animations, slashing and hit effecs, and magic.164 different types of outfits: metal, cloth and leather, with variations in 8 colors, which offers more than a thousand combinations.4 movement animations for the characters, Idle, Walk, Run and Jump.2 sample attack animations.Included is a short guide describing how to create animations from scratch using various methods, for those who want some tips to experiment themselves with the variety of sprites provided.More than 50 effects of weapon hits, projectiles, magic, fire, ice, poison and death.4 diferent mounts (all with run and walk animations)- horse with 20 diferent colors and 63 saddles- elk with 8 diferent colors and 54 saddles- wild boar with 6 diferent colors and 17 saddles- wolf with 8 diferent colors and 10 saddles- chariots, 11 diferent styles- Content list and sprites size and info -All sices are in pixels.CHARACTERSbody "all colors" 256x160 cell sice 32x32order of animations: idle, walk, run, jump, mountedhead "all races and skins" 224x192 cell sice 32x32elf_hand 48x48 cell sice 16x16goblin_hand 32x32 cell sice 16x16human_hand 48x48 cell sice 16x16hand_gloved 64x48 cell sice 16x16hairstyle "all races" 192x160 cell sice 32x32facialhair "all races" 192x160 cell sice 32x32WARDROBE-cloth-hat_all colors 320x160 cell sice 32x32hat_straw 160x32 cell sice 32x32-leather-leather01 320x128 cell sice 32x32leather02 128x48 cell sice 32x48-metal-metal 320x160 cell sice 32x32metal_"all colors" 320x144 cell sice 32x48WEAPONS-melee-axe 320x62 cell sice 32x32axe_big 160x48 cell sice 32x48dagger 224x64 cell sice 32x32blunt 320x64 cell sice 32x32polearm 384x192 cell sice 32x64sword 224x64 cell sice 32x32sword_big 320x96 cell sice 32x48shield 320x192 cell sice 32x32-magic-staff 426x128 cell sice 32x64wand 192x64 cell sice 32x32-ranged-bow 224x32 cell sice 32x32bow_shot 778x224 cell sice 64x32crossbow 128x32 cell sice 32x32crossbow_shot 544x128 cell sice 32x32arquebus 256x64 cell sice 64x32blunderbuss 256x64 cell sice 64x32musket 256x64 cell sice 64x32pistol 128x192 cell sice 32x32repeater_musket 256x64 cell sice 32x32sling 640x128 cell sice 64x64stick_sling 704x128 cell sice 64x64-throwing-throw01 128x128 cell sice 32x32throw02 128x32 cell sice 64x32hit01 160x128 cell sice 32x32hit02 320x32 cell sice 64x32-projectiles & bullets-arrow 64x32 cell sice 32x32arrow_hit 192x32 cell sice 32x32bolt 64x32 cell sice 32x32bolt_hit 192x32 cell sice 32x32bullets 80x9 cell sice 20x9bullet_shot 64x16 cell sice 16x16stone 16x16 stone_hit 960x32 cell sice 64x32ANIMALSelk, 01 to 08 512x144 cell sice 64x48order of animations: idle, walk,runhorse, 01 to 20 512x96 cell sice 64x32order of animations: idle, walk,runwildboard, 01 to 06 512x96 cell sice 64x32order of animations: idle, walk,runwolf, 01 to 08 512x96 cell sice 64x32order of animations: idle, walk,runelk_saddle 576x278 cell sice 64x48horse_saddle 704x288 cell sice 64x48wildboard_saddle 384x96 cell sice 64x32wolf_saddle 320x64 cell sice 64x32harness 224x64 cell sice 32x32charriots 320x352 cell sice 80x32wheel_blade 128x32 cell sice 32x32VFXdeath 448x110 cell sice 56x55-fire-fireball 128x32 cell sice 32x32flare 512x64 cell sice 64x64meteor 256x64 cell sice 32x64firefx01 256x128 cell sice 64x64firefx02 128x96 cell sice 32x32firefx03 192x160 cell sice 64x32-ice-ice_shard 32x32ice_spikes 320x128 cell sice 64x64icefx01 256x128 cell sice 64x64icefx02 128x96 cell sice 32x32icefx03 192x160 cell sice 64x32-magic-lightning 128x192 cell sice 128x32magicbolt 128x32 cell sice 32x32icefx01 256x128 cell sice 64x64icefx02 128x96 cell sice 32x32icefx03 192x160 cell sice 64x32-poison-poisonbolt 128x32 cell sice 32x32poisonx01 256x128 cell sice 64x64poisonfx02 128x96 cell sice 32x32poisonfx03 192x160 cell sice 64x32-weapon-weaponx01 256x128 cell sice 64x64weaponfx02 128x96 cell sice 32x32weaponfx03 192x160 cell sice 64x32firearmsFX 192x160 cell sice 32x32