HQ medieval weapon attacks pack. With multiple variations for a pro sound that never gets repetitive! Sword, Axe, Hammer, Spear, Flail, Bow & Arrow, and more. Now updated with 74 vocalized battle SFX!This sound pack is now included in our Big Fantasy Sounds Bundle – the most comprehensive and affordable fantasy SFX bundle available on the Unity Asset Store.ABOUT:'Sounds Of War 1' is the first in a series of professionally designed combat sound packs. Every SFX has multiple variations so that you're able to trigger them randomly for the chosen attack. This is a must-have option for avoiding the infamous 'machine gun effect' when the same attack is used repeatedly. A total of 174 SFX are included.UPDATES SO FAR:UPDATE 1 (17.12.2021.) 74 vocalized battle SFX, for even more realism and flexibility. Future updates are on the way because we want to make this the most versatile medieval combat SFX pack ever created.UPDATE 2 (14.04.2022.): 10 SFX from our Sounds Of War 2: Weapons and Armor Inventory SFX pack as a bonus!UPDATE 3: (14.04.2022.) Standard Additions (+ 9 SFX)HINT:Use your imagination to combine the sounds for more advanced combos!Example: Bow Release + Flying Loop (loops as long as needed to reach the target) + Projectile Cut (when it reaches the target)NOTE: Somebody suggested separating SWING and IMPACT sounds for even more flexibility, I'll address this idea for the next update for sure. Let's build this further! ;)Files Included ListNumber of Audio Waves: 193Does music loop: (some of the flying effects are loopable)Minutes of audio provided: 3:00 minSupported Development Platforms: All