Easy Drone for Sci Fi Top Down Game Template
Dizzy Media
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Easy Drone is a flexible and easy to use drone system, providing you a handy helper that follows you around and demolishes enemies!In order to utilize Easy Drone you MUST OWN a copy ofSci Fi Top Down Game Template 2.0!DEMO BUILD | DOCUMENTATION | DISCORDAsset Pack Contents:3 Drone scripts2 Helper scriptsCustom demo sounds and gizmos3 Demo ScenesCode SnippetsDocumentationYou can learn more about the product(s) on Discord!Feel free to share your work there if you've used our assets in your project.Features:Components: AIEasy Drone Handler - Controls the drone movement, active time, drain display, etc.Components: PlayerEasy Drone Holders - Holds references used by Easy Drone Handler.Components: WorldEasy Drone Trigger - Used to detect player enter/exit and trigger activating Easy Drone Handler on drones.