Need some quick high-res, seamless, tileable PBR Materials for your next prototype?
You've come to the right place.
With 243 unique materials at your fingertips in 19 different categories, we want this to be your ultimate go-to pack for getting a project up and running. Want a material set not in the pack? No sweat, send us a message, we are ALWAYS happy to add more!
* True PBR
* 2048x2048
* Seamless
* Perfect Tiling
* JPG (JPG ensures smaller project sizes - TGA available at request)
* 5 Example Scenes
* BONUS Pixel Font, Cookie & Scripts
Want to see how flexible it is? Check out our demo indoor scene created entirely from primitives (Cubes / Spheres & Capsules). At just over 5 cents a material, we've meticulously crafted these materials - breaking them down into the following categories:
* Asphalt
* Brick
* Carpet
* Concrete
* Fabric
* Food
* Grass
* Ground
* Hedges
* Marble
* Marble Tiles
* Metal
* Misc
* Pebbles
* Plastic
* Skin
* Stone
* Wall
* Wood
Please Note: The sky texture is a free Skybox set available at Alabsoft and the project is utilizing some of the Unity Standard Assets.
Want a material set not in the package? Just send us a message, if it is a good fit, we'd be happy to add it.
Updates free for life. Always.