game ready Mid-poly characterMail: Sine.95@mail.ruRigged Mid-poly game ready modelFeature:18 Face blend shapes/morph targetSeparate mesh partsHumanoid rigPolycount:CharacterPolygons: 42888Vertices: 59459Triangles: 84962Chain on the beltPolygons: 832Vertices: 1105Triangles: 1664Head on a chainPolygons: 4580Vertices: 11408Triangles: 9111Hook on a chainPolygons: 1716Vertices: 2251Triangles: 3432Belts on the waistPolygons: 1012Vertices: 1202Triangles: 2024In the project settings I recommend setting the Fixed TimeStep parameter to 0.01 or lower to simulate the physics of the chain more accurately in the project settings.Number of textures: 40Texture dimensions: (512x512,1024x1024,2048x2048,4096x4096)Polygon count :Minimum polygon count: 42888Maximum polygon count: 51028Number of meshes/prefabs: 46Rigging: YesAnimation count: 0Animation type list: 0UV mapping: YesLOD information: No LODsTypes of materials and texture maps:PBR TextureAlbedo, Normal,Metallness,Roughness, AO,Alpha in TGA Format